How do I get a [title] on [thing]
How this page works.
This guide is a little backwards and may be confusing as it starts with theΒ last steps first. Think of it as a choose your own adventure book but you want to get to a specific ending, so you start there and work backwards to find out what you need to do.
So, get yourself something to write some notes down on and write down the heading code so you can refer to it later.
For Example, to get a game onto Cemu you want to do
- 1a
- 2b
- 4t
(these aren't finalised yet)
and then you can work backwards by clicking on the titles on the left sidebar (over there <<--)
1. Working out what you want to end with
1a. A game on an emulator (Like Cemu)
For this you want to end up with "Raw Files" (otherwise known as loadiine1) because Cemu supports "Installing" them. The file format of raw files is
π gamename_folder
β£ π code
β β£ π app.xml
β β£ π cos.xml
β β£ π *.rpx
β β *.*
β£ πcontent
β β this is the game content, folders will vary
β π meta
β£ π meta.xml
β£ π *.jpg
β£ π bootTvTex.tga
β£ π bootDrcTex.tga
β π iconTex.tga
1b. A game on a WiiU (Like a WiiU)
For this you want to end up with what we call a "WUP" (WiiU Package) because you can install them to your WiiU with WupInstallerWupInstaller. A WUP looks like this
π gamename_folder
β£ title.tmd
β£ title.tik
β£ title.cert
β£ *.app
β *.h3
2. Selecting what files are needed
2a. Raw Files
You can get Raw Files from a variety of sources, but in most cases they are
- Retrieved / dumped from a WiiU (
or - Unpacked from a WUP
2b. WUP
A WUP can be
- Downloaded from the NUS using a NUSDownloader
- Generated by a NUSPacker or an Injector