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How do I get a [title] on [thing]

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This guide is a little backwards and may be confusing as it starts with the last steps first. Think of it as a choose your own adventure book but you want to get to a specific ending, so you start there and work backwards to find out what you need to do.

So, get yourself something to write some notes down on and write down the heading code so you can refer to it later.

For Example, to get a game onto Cemu you want to do
- 1a
- 2b
- 4t
(these aren't finalised yet)
and then you can work backwards by clicking on the titles on the left sidebar (over there <<--)

1. Working out what you want to end with

1a. A game on an emulator (Like Cemu)

For this you want to end up with "Raw Files" (otherwise known as loadiine1) because Cemu supports "Installing" them. The file format of raw files is

📁 gamename_folder
┣ 📁 code
┃  ┣ app.xml
┃  ┣ cos.xml
┃  ┣ *.rpx
┃  ┗ *.*
┣ 📁content
┃  ┗ this is the game content, folders will vary 
┗ 📁 meta
   ┣ meta.xml
   ┣ *.jpg
   ┣ bootTvTex.tga
   ┣ bootDrcTex.tga
   ┗ iconTex.tga

You can then follow the official Cemu title installation guide to install your games.

You can use WUD and WUX files as well but it is more space efficient to convert it into RAW files. You also won't need to worry about adding the Disc Key2 into the keys.txt file.

Please, for the love of the emulator gods, use the correct emulator for the game you want to play. Use Dolphin for Wii / Gamecube games, Project64 or Mupen64 for Nintendo 64 titles, etc.... There is no point in putting a virtual console title (literally a rom and an emulator) in Cemu (which is an emulator). Click here for a list of emulators and things to search for when you to go that way.

Note to author, add link for emulators and ROMs

1b. A game on a WiiU (Like a WiiU)

For this you want to end up with what we call a "WUP" (WiiU Package) because you can install them to your WiiU with WupInstaller. A WUP looks like this

📁 gamename_folder
┣ title.tmd
┣ title.tik
┣ title.cert
┣ *.app
┗ *.h3

Or when you have it on your SD card (the install folder is case sensitive, in other words, it must be lowercase)

💾 SD card root
┗ 📁 install
   ┗ 📁 gamename_folder
      ┣ title.tmd
      ┣ title.tik
      ┣ title.cert
      ┣ *.app
      ┗ *.h3

1 Loadiine is an outdated method these days, its better to just use a WUP on a WiiU

2 A Disk key is not a Title Key

2. Methods of getting the format you need

2a. Raw Files

You can get Raw Files from a variety of sources, but in most cases they are

2b. WUP

A WUP can be

2c. WUD / WUX

The only current known method to getting a WUD file (or in turn a WUX) is either by dumping it from a disc or downloading it. You can not generate a WUD or a WUX from a WUP or Raw Files.

3. So I have decided on...

3a. Using a NUSDownloader to download a WUP or RAW files

A NUSDownloader as its name suggests, downloads from the NUS (otherwise known as the Nintendo Update Servers). Due to an oversite by Nintendo, they left their servers unsecured so with some work (either by hand [which is a pain in the butt] OR with a tool [heckin easy]) you can "Just download from them" just like a WiiU does.

A common question is "Do you need a WiiU?" The answer is No, No you don't..... Well, you do need a WiiU if you want to install the game onto your WiiU but that kinda makes sense doesn't it?

You have a few choices when it comes to NUSDownloaders, but this is what we suggest.

  • USBHelper + USBHelperLauncher
    • Outputs
      • WUP
      • RAW 
    • Pros 
      • Good for newbies
      • "Just works" (in most cases)
      • Pretty GUI
      • "Just use this one™"
    • Cons
      • Quite a few steps
      • Can have issues
      • Only Windows (with "beta" Linux support via Wine)
  • FunkiiU
    • Outputs
      • WUP 
    • Pros
      • Cross platform, written in Python 3.7 (could be 3.8, I don't remember)
    • Cons
      • Only downloads a WUP, will need to use another tool to unpack to RAW files
      • Command line only
        • A fork that has a GUI does exist, FunkiiUi
  • JNUSTool
    • Outputs
      • WUP (no title.tik so can't be installed with WUPInstaller)
      • RAW 
    • Pros
      • Cross platform, written in Java
      • Can go straight to RAW files
    • Cons
      • Command line only 
      • Can be a little too fast for its own good, will need to be run multiple times to ensure complete downloading of all files

3b. Generating a WUP

So, there are some difficulties when it comes to generating WUPs. These occur mostly with NUS Updates as they have hardlinked (or it could be softlinked, I don't remember) files. If you decide to re-pack something that you downloaded from the NUS it is also generally not the best idea as the title key will (probably) be different and other things like hashes and such. It would be better to just re-download it using your choice of tool.

Injections are a different thing as they are generated by the tool like UWUVCI or Teconmoons (depreciated) and won't have any issues when it comes to installing them onto your WiiU.
